Showing 76 - 100 of 415 Results
To Mexico with Scott: Letters of Captain E. Kirby Smith to His Wife by Smith, E. Kirby, Blackwood,... ISBN: 9780548364932 List Price: $41.95
La Mama/ the Mother: Manejo Multidisciplinario De Las Enfermedades Benignas Y Malignas (Span... by I. Kirby Bland, Edward M. C... ISBN: 9789500602518 List Price: $128.95
This House Was the Pride of the Town: Mr. Nickerson's Marble Palace Becomes Mr. Driehaus' Mu... by Talley, M. Kirby, Jr., Tall... ISBN: 9780981703909 List Price: $20.00
Beautiful Birds in Far Off Lands, by M. and E. Kirby by Kirby, Mary ISBN: 9781150542732 List Price: $20.69
Things in the Forest, by M. and E. Kirby by Kirby, Mary ISBN: 9781151434951 List Price: $14.28
The Discontented Children and How They Were Cured. by M. and E. Kirby by Kirby, Mary ISBN: 9781151646637 List Price: $13.87
Stories From the Classics, Adapted by M. and E. Kirby by Kirby, Mary ISBN: 9780217880848 List Price: $19.21
Introduction to Critical Care - Joseph M. Civetta - Paperback by Civetta, Joseph M., Taylor,... ISBN: 9780397510313 List Price: $32.95
Textbook of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Kirby M Roger S - Multimedia by Fitzpatrick, John M., McCon... ISBN: 9781899066582 List Price: $249.95
People and Computers X Proceedings of Hci'95, Huddersfield, August 1995 by Kirby, M. A., Dixon, A. J.,... ISBN: 9780521567299 List Price: $132.00
Pocket Companion of Critical Care Immediate Concerns by Kirby, Robert R., Taylor, R... ISBN: 9780397510306 List Price: $44.95
Private Copying Appropriability and Optimal Copying Royalties by Besen, Stanley M., Kirby, S... ISBN: 9780833008282 List Price: $4.00
Economic Factors in Reserve Attrition Prior Service Individuals in the Army National Guard a... by Marquis, M. Susan, Kirby, S... ISBN: 9780833009326 List Price: $4.00
Chris Has an Accident by Kirby, Jackie M., McCormack... ISBN: 9780942459005 List Price: $5.95
Mysteries of Elizabeth I Selections from English Literary Renaissance by Farrell, Kirby, Swaim, Kath... ISBN: 9781558492318 List Price: $19.95
Total Force Pilot Requirements and Management: An Executive Summary by Harry J. Thie, William W. T... ISBN: 9780833023223 List Price: $7.50
Tuition Tax Deductions and Parent School Choice by Darling-Hammond, Linda, Kir... ISBN: 9780833006707 List Price: $10.00
Understanding Weight and Depression: A Teen Eating Disorder Prevention Book by Julie M. Clarke, Ann Kirby-... ISBN: 9780823929948 List Price: $34.60
School Reform Behind the Scenes: How Atlas Is Shaping the Future of Education (Series on Sch... by Thomas Hatch, Edward Kirby,... ISBN: 9780807738610 List Price: $47.00
Shared Care for Diabetes by Hill, R., Gatling, W., Kirb... ISBN: 9781899066254 List Price: $44.95
Birds of Gay Plumage: Sun Birds, &C. by M. and E. Kirby by Kirby, Mary ISBN: 9781141716395 List Price: $19.75
Stories from the Classics, Adapted by M. and E. Kirby by Kirby, Mary ISBN: 9781141814343 List Price: $26.75
Aviation Visionary, Smilin' Jack Conroy by Kirby, Robert R., Warner, G... ISBN: 9780965573078 List Price: $19.95
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